Ritter and other security analysts don't agree that the problem has really been fixed. Ritter will be part of a presentation at Def Con, one of the world's largest gatherings of hackers. iSEC and Ritter were chosen to present because Def Con organizers have always believed that these femtocells, which have been on the market for a few years, were vulnerable because they mimic cellphone towers.
While that first gathering morphed into the DEF CON hacking conference, the biggest event is Black Hat USA, which begins on Saturday, and runs through until Thursday, August 9. This is the flashy corporate brother of DEF CON, and features four days of security training, a one-day invite-only CISO summit day (from which press are strictly barred) and two days of briefings featuring everything from government agents to hardcore hackers talking about the tricks of the trade.
DEF CON: A Brief History Of The Worlds Largest Gathering Of Hackers